Important Facts & Formulae - JEE 2020

How to start your JEE Main & Advanced 2020 Preparation?

Start your IIT JEE preparation with Class XII textbooks that you have. You can also refer to NCERT books that are prepared by many subject experts and are quite economical too. IIT preparation is a devotion that needs to start early.

Beware of using too many reference books. Askiitians has a list of important IIT JEE preparation books that you can use for reference. Use the ones that cover maximum syllabus and suit your learning style.

It can help you to score more by indexing topics in order of priority or weightage they carry in JEE Main and Class XII board exams.

Grill yourself into the basics until all your fundamentals are very clear as JEE Main is specifically designed to test how well students have grasped the topics and how they apply them to a given set of problems.
Revise, practice using previous year papers of IIT JEE, check solutions from solved papers, seek help where needed and revise and practice again.

Last minute IIT study tips often suggest students to try the IIT JEE paper of last three years.

Time management is an important factor in JEE Main. So, while solving model JEE question papers, keep an eye on your watch too. If solving a question is taking too much time, move on.

Here is a quick glance on the number of questions asked from each topic in AIEEE or JEE Main in the last four years:

MathematicsClick Here
PhysicsClick Here
ChemistryClick Here

All of you guys know that there is thousands of formulae in maths, physics, & chemistry. especially, when you are preparing for exams like IIT JEE, NEET etc. In this post, we are going to share facts and formulae booklets, which help you to memorize the formulae in an easy way.  

Important topics you should cover for JEE Advanced are:

Physics: Mechanics and Electrodynamics are the two most important topics but one should also devote time to Heat, Thermodynamics, Optics and Modern Physics

Chemistry: General principles of Organic Chemistry are easy to understand. Numericals of Physical Chemistry are scoring. Inorganic Chemistry has many facts and figures and requires constant revision.

Mathematics: Master inter-relationship between various topics. Coordinate Geometry and Vectors can help one to solve problems related to complex numbers. Permutation and Combinations help you to solve problems of Probability. Trigonometry and Calculus again help one to solve all types of problems. 

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